If you want to make your phone transparent, in this article i will show you how you can make your phone transparent. A few days ago, Tech burner make transparent mobile phone. He used Transparent parts and made world number one transparent phone. That phone is very expansive. But i will show you a shortcut way to make your phone transparent. i already try this method before.
Actually there is a app that available on play store which we use and Make our phone transparent. By using that app, we can easily make their phone full transparent. The application about i telling you name is Transparent live wallpaper. This is a application which help you to make your Phone transparent.
How to Download
To download this app, just click below link. This link will forward you on play store. Where you can easily download This Transparent wallpaper application. Then You will able to make your phone transparent. Now below i am telling you, way to make your phone transparent.

How to Make Phone Transparent
After downloading this application, just follow These steps..
1.After install this application from playstore. Open this app.
2. Then Click transparent wallpaper and give all permissions to this app.
3.Now Press “set wallpaper” then select Home Screen&lock screen.
4.Now Go to Home screen and your phone become transparent.
By using these simple steps, you can make your phone transparent. Tech burner spends almost 50 lakh money to make transparent phone but your can make your normal phone transparent without wasting money. So if you want to make your phone transparent must fellow these steps.
I hope this article help you to make your phone transparent. If you are facing any problems while making your phone transparent, you can ask below in comment section. For this type of Amazing article keep visiting our website(harpaltech.com).