How to earn from YouTube shorts 2023

earn from youtube shorts

Since when YouTube shorts starts, How to earn from YouTube shorts is a question on every YouTube creator’s mind. For this purpose, I research and found the answer of this question. I found different ways to earn money from YouTube shorts. In this article, I will completely discuss about YouTube shorts earning.

There are three ways in which you can earn from YouTube shorts.

1. Earn through YouTube shorts fund.
2.  Earn through sponsorship.
3.  YouTube short monetization system( New Way).

Below I will completely discuss these ways of earning from YouTube shorts.

1. Earn through YouTube shorts fund

This is a common way from YouTube shorts, but it is not specified that how much money you can earn from there and when you will be eligible for YouTube shorts fund. To earn money through YouTube shorts fund you need millions of views on your video, then YouTube mail you that you are eligible for YouTube shorts fund. YouTube short fund is 100M dollars that distributed to different YouTube creators.
There are some conditions that you must be followed to get bonus from YouTube shorts fund.
1. Your shorts video must be 180 days old.
2. You must be 13 or older.
3.  There are some countries that eligible for YouTube fund, Click link to check.
4. For more detail, click here.

earn from youtube shorts fund

2. Earn through Sponsorship

Many peoples are earning money with this method. For this method, you need viral YouTube short account. Then many brand deals with you. You just make video for their website or app. They pay you for this. You saw that many YouTuber telling about app in their video. Actually, they make sponsorship video. They get money from brand and make video for their website or app.
So if you have viral YouTube short account must add mail in your account because brands may give you sponsorship.

make money from sponsership

3. YouTube short monetization system( New Way)

This is the new way to make money from YouTube shorts. It will be applicable in these days. Because in 2022, YouTube support team told that monetization system will introduce in the beginning of 2023. YouTube support team did not tell that how you will be eligible for YouTube short monetization. The ads will show between two shorts video and ads revues will give to the persons of that two shorts video in which ads show. You saw that when you are watching YouTube short then after few shorts video one ad video show in front of you. This type of ads will show in shorts when monetization system will introduce.

This is not clear news, but it is expected that this way will apply on YouTube shorts monetization system. But full way we will see when this system will introduce. Just wait and will see which method will apply.

YouTube shorts monetization system (new way)

4. YouTube shorts Monetization (launched)

Finally, YouTube shorts monetization system is launched. Now you can monetize your YouTube shorts channel.

YouTube Shorts monetization system criteria is following

  • 1000 Subscribers
  • 10M views in 90 days

If you want to check that you are eligible for YouTube shorts monetization or not

Just open YT Studio app or open in web browser. Then go to the ‘earn’ section where you can see that you are eligible or not.

YouTube Shorts monetization system criteria

These are three-way to earn from YouTube shorts. You can use any of this to earn money from YouTube shorts, but for the third way you need to wait. We don’t know when it will introduce.

I hope this article helped you to understand the way of earning from YouTube shorts. If you have any confusion in your mind fell free to ask in below common section. For tech related article keep visiting our website.

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