Different peoples have low budget mobile phone which camera result is very bad. SO today I research and found the best camera app 2023 for that people. This camera app will help you to record high quality video and take high quality photo. We know that phone original camera has very fewer features. So in this camera app, you will get some extra features that will help you to record high quality video and photo.
The camera app about I telling you name is Open camera. Different content creators use this camera to record video and capture a photo. So you can also use this camera to record video and capture high quality photo with your normal device.
Open Camera
Open camera is one of the best camera app for android users. This camera app 50M+ download on play store. So you can also try this camera app to record a video or take a picture.
In this camera app, you will get different camera mode STD, DRO, HDR, PANO. You can select camera mode according to your location. In this camera app, you will get different resolutions. Just like, you can record 4k resolutions with your normal phone, which not supports 4k video. You can use timer while recording video or taking a group photo.
You will get all basic camera app features in this camera app. After installing this camera app on your phone, you must apply these setting in this camera app.
First go to this camera app setting and then go to photo setting. Then press image quality and select it 100%. Now you can take your photo Full HD.
Now go back and select video setting and then select video resolution. Then select HD resolution. Now you can record HD video with this camera app.
If you want to download this app, just click below link. This link will forward you to google drive, where you can easily download this app.

I hope this article helped you to find the best camera 2023 app for android. If you have any question related to this camera app, you can ask in comment section. For editing related article keep visiting out website (harpaltech.com).