Top 6 Amazing Apps For Android 2024

Amazing Apps For Android

Hello Guys today I will show you the apps that will make your mobile is very stylish and amazing. Some apps will make your phone home screen stylish and some apps make your phone other screen stylish and breathtaking.

For example call screen, lock screen, edge of your phone. You will have tried many apps to make your phone stylish. But these apps is pro apps will make your phone is very stunning.

Daily visit our website for new and stunning apps for you mobile phone. We bring much new software for your pc. We bring articles about earning. So daily visit our website for updated.

Now without wasting your time. Let’s go to the topic.
First app that I bring for you is Motionleap by Lightricks.

OSmax Flex

If you want to watch Turkish series in your Android phone by using an app then you can use osman Flex. In this app, you can watch old Turkish historical series easily. If you want to download this app then click below link, this link will forward to Google drive where you can easily download this app.


1. Photoleap by Lightricks

Motion leap is a very famous editing app. In this video editing tool, You can edit your video professionally and add different amazing effect on your video. Lot of amazing effect available in this video editor that you can apply on your video and make it very attractive. New AI portrait effect is viral on TikTok. You can apply this effect on your video and get a million of views on your video. Al those, this is editing app that provide you different amazing effect. You can apply these effect on your video and make it attractive.

If you want to download this app, just click below link. This link will forward you to Google Drive, where you can easily download this app. Then Motion leap app install on your phone and try different amazing effect on your video.


2. Girls Face Emoji Remover – Fac

This is a very useful app. If any girl sends you picture, and she put emoji in his picture before sending you, then you can remove emoji from her picture by using this app. You can easily remove emoji using this app. Just select the photo then bring the girl’s face in the frame then drag your finger on the emoji.

Then the girl’s face will be seen. In this way you can remove emoji from any picture. If you want to remove emoji from picture then must try this app. Just download this app from below link and remove emoji from any picture.


3. Add Music to Voice

if you want to make poetry video then this app can helpful for you. Many people make a poetry video and then add different music in the background.  They use this app to add music on background.

Now I am telling how you can use this app. First add poetry voice in this app. Then add music that will play in the background.  Now use voice effect that you like. Then save audio. Now, your voice is ready for poetry video.

 If you want to use this app. Just click below link. Then download this app from there. Now install it on your phone. Then make poetry video with this app for TikTok.


4. Border light – Edge Lighting

This app will make your mobile phone like gaming phone. You already tried many apps for improving your mobile look, but this app will make your mobile stylish.

First you need to download this app. To download this app. Scroll below and find download button. Then press download button. After downloading you just need to install this app on your mobile phone.

Then open it. You can select magic light border on your mobile phone.
Just press magic light border and then set wallpaper. Now your phone corners will look very stylish.


There are some features of this mobile phone

Magic light border

By using this feature you can change border of your mobile screen. After apply this on your phone screen will look very stylish like gaming mobile.


By using feature change can customize your mobile border. Just like border color, rotation time, notch setting, and different other setting you can customize easily.

Magic light border

By using this feature you can use different light border on your phone.
All borders are live. You can download light border.

Live wallpaper

You can use different live wallpaper on your mobile. That will make your mobile beautiful. You can also download more live wallpaper.

Grid & Water effect

You can try grid OR water effect that will make your mobile attractive.
Actually these are live wallpaper, but it will make your mobile very stylish.

Set theme

By using this feature you can use defaults themes, and you can create your own theme. You can create your own different themes for later use.
So try this app to make your mobile stylish and attractive.

To download this just app press below link


5. Gravity launcher VS

Actually this is launcher app that will make your mobile very amazing. When you will apply this launcher app on your mobile phone. Then you will press center button all apps will fall form your mobile screen top to button which make your mobile very stylish.

First you need to download this app. Scroll down and find download button. Then press download button. After downloading install Gravity launcher VS on your mobile phone.

How To Use

Just open this app and give all permission to this app which it needs. Then this launcher will apply on your mobile. When you will go home screen a popup menu will show. Just press always. Now you can enjoy your mobile phone.


6. MoShow-Slideshow Maker, Photo & Video Editor

If you don’t know how to edit video then this app will work for you. This is a video editor app. If you want to make video from your photo, then it will help. Just add your all photo in this video editor. This video editor will auto make slideshow of your photo.

You can easily save this slides show, and you can share with friends.
First you need to download this app. Scroll download and find download button. Press the download button. After download just install this app in your mobile phone.


There are some features of this video editor.

Different style Slideshow

When you will add photo on this video editor, this will auto make different style slideshow. You can easily find and select your favorite slide show for your video. After select you can save slideshow on your phone gallery.

Free Music

This app has different free music that you can use for your video. All music is free. Just select your favorite music and add in your video. You can add your own music in this video editor. After adding music in your video you can easily save your video.

Photo Editing

You can edit your photos that you have added in this video editor. This video has own Photo editor. You can easily crop your photo and add in your slideshow.


You can easily save your slideshow in your gallery. You can save your video in different resolution. If you edit your video for TikTok you can save your video in TikTok resolution.

You can try MoShow-Slideshow Maker for video editing.


7. Magic Fluids Lite-Fluid sim

This is very amazing app that will make your mobile amazing. Actually this is magic live wallpaper app. You can try this app to make your mobile is stunning.

First you need to download this app. Scroll down and find download link. Press it. After downloading install Magic Fluids Lite-Fluid sim app
on your mobile phone. And open this app.

Go to the setting of this app and Select your favorite animation live wallpaper. Then press the three lines that show left button and press the set as live wallpaper. Then your wallpaper will apply. When you touch your mobile screen it will show different style animation that will make your mobile is very stunning.


8. Color call screen & Themes

This app will change your call screen. If you are boring with your call screen you can change your call screen using this app.

Just download this app. To download this scroll down and find download link. Press it. After downloading install Color call screen & Themes app on your mobile phone. Then open it and give all permissions to this app that it wants.

Now select your favorite call screen and press applies. When call will come to your mobile phone your mobile phone will show the call screen that you were selected.


There are some Amazing apps. All apps are best, You can find your favorite and use it. I hope this article helped you. Please give your feedback below.
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